Stainless Tees - T Profiles

Stainless and acid resistant tees

Tees are a type of T-shaped sections. The company supplies a given type of section in corrosion-resistant grades. The main stainless grades are available in the form of rolled and welded products in accordance with EN 10055, ASTM A484, ASTM A1069. Tees in other special grades are delivered to order. Depending on the purpose, the offer includes:

Types and finishes of stainless steel tees

Stainless steel tees
Hot rolled tees Equal tees T 20 x 20 x3 - 300 x 300 x 20mm
Unequal tees
Laser-welded tees Equal tees T 20 x 40 x 4 - 60 x 120 x 10mm
Unequal tees T
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