Stainless ferritic and superferric steel

Ferritic stainless steels - characteristics and structure

Corrosion-resistant ferritic steels are quite similar to martensitic steels. As the chromium content increases, their thermal conductivity decreases, and as a result, they can be used as steel for the resistance heating elements.

Almost all of them exhibit magnetic properties and can be used as stainless magnetic steels. Chrome with carbon on the surface of the product forms chromium oxides to prevent further oxidation of the material.

High chromium ferritic steels exhibit resistance to atmospheric corrosion, moisture in the environment, water vapor, some cold inorganic and organic acids, nitrate solutions, and certain food industry environments. Simpler types are normally used for not-requiring major properties application in contact with the external weather conditions and are more weldable than martensitic steels.

A large number of chromium-titanium (H25T) and chromium with aluminum additive grades (H13JS, H18JS, H24JS) is a heat-resistant steel. For ferritic stainless steels to maintain their properties important factor is to maintain the treated smooth surface of the product.

Stainless ferritic and superferritic steels - chemical composition and specification

These are high-chromium steels showing corrosion resistance, but usually do not change their structure and do not cure after thermal treatment, among others, due to low carbon content - < 0.1%. As a result of annealing at high temperatures their mechanical properties due to grain growth are deteriorating - especially impact and elongation.

In their chemical composition, they contain from 10% - 30% of chromium, 0 - 4.5% of molybdenum in combination with small percentages of additives Nickel - Ni, Titanium - Ti, Aluminum - Al, Niobium - Nb, and even Zirconium - Zr.

Bars, tubes and sheets of stainless ferritic steel - use

They are used as: steel for heat exchangers, steel for acid and nitrogen oxide pipelines, steel for acid storage tanks, steel for acid transport tanks, steel for dairy, fruit and vegetable and brewery industries, steel for textile industry, other household appliances.

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