Annealing in English and Polish

There are seldom technical English-Polish dictionaries online. We came up with this series of articles to change it. This article is focused on annealing and related processes.
Annealing in English and Polish
Air patenting - patentowanie w powietrzu; See also: patenting.
Annealing - wyżarzanie - heat treatment of a metal or alloy that increases its ductility and reduces its hardness. It involves heating a piece to a predetermined temperature, holding for a certain time and the cooling to room temperature.
Annealing bay, annealing department, annealing plant - wyżarzalnia.
Bell annealing - wyżarzanie w piecu.
Blackheart process - wyżarzanie grafityzujące żeliwa ciągliwego - a type of annealing process done on the white cast iron, producing malleable cast iron with the dark fracture, hence the name.
Box annealing - wyżarzanie czyste - takes place in a closed box to prevent oxidation.
Bright annealing - wyżarzanie bez nalotu, wyżarzanie jasne - takes place in an inert atmosphere to inhibit oxidation, so that the surface of the piece remains relatively bright.
Clean annealing - wyżarzanie bez nalotu, wyżarzanie jasne; See also: Bright annealing.
Close annealing - wyżarzanie czyste; See also: Box annealing.
Cycle annealing - wyżarzanie izotermiczne; See also: Isothermal annealing.
Dead annealing - wyżarzanie zupełne; See also: Full annealing.
Decarburization annealing - wyżarzanie odwęglające; See also: Whiteheart process.
Dehydrogenation - wyżarzanie przeciwpłatkowe.
Flame annealing - wyżarzanie płomieniowe.
Full annealing - wyżarzanie zupełne - consists of heating steel to a temperature 30-50°C above Ac3, Acm and holding. Cooling from Ac3 to Ac1 has to be very slow, best cool in the furnace. Further cooling may be carried out in air. Quite a time consuming and expensive, so generally only applied to quality alloy steel.
Graphitizing - wyżarzanie grafityzujące - has an effect of turning cementite into ferrite and graphite.
Heat refining - wyżarzanie normalizujące; See also: Normalizing.
Homogenizing annealing - wyżarzanie ujednorodniające - makes the chemical composition of steel more homogenous, to counter microsegregation. It consists of heating the piece to a temperature 100-200°C below solidus, holding and cooling.
Hydrogen annealing - wyżarzanie w atmosferze wodoru - takes place in a hydrogen atmosphere to inhibit oxidation.
Intermediate annealing, interannealing - wyżarzanie międzyoperacyjne - is done in between few stages of cold working, before final treatment; See also: recrystallization annealing.
Isothermal annealing - wyżarzanie izotermiczne - consists of heating the steel to a temperature 30-50°C above Ac3, Acm, holding, cooling to the Ac1 temperature, holding again, then cooling in air. It's applied to those quality alloys, which wouldn't become sufficiently ductile after full annealing.
Lead patenting - patentowanie w kąpieli ołowiowej; See also: patenting.
Non-oxidizing annealing - wyżarzanie bez nalotu, wyżarzanie jasne; See also: Bright annealing.
Normalizing, normalization - wyżarzanie normalizujące - consists of heating the steel to a temperature 30-50°C above Ac3, Acm, holding and cooling in air. It's applied to a quality alloys steel if the full annealing wouldn't sufficiently increase ductility.
Old process patenting - patentowanie w powietrzu; See also: patenting.
Open coil annealing - wyżarzanie taśm w kręgach luźno zwiniętych.
Pack annealing - wyżarzanie pakietami (blach).
Patenting - patentowanie (drutów) - a type of isothermal annealing, consists of heating up to 900-1100°C, isothermal cooling in 500-550°C, followed by cold working.
Recrystallization annealing - wyżarzanie rekrystalizujące - is done in between few stages of cold working, particularly rolling and consists of heating and holding above recrystallization temperature.
Salt-bath patenting - patentowanie w kąpieli solnej; See also: patenting.
Seasoning - odprężanie sezonujące, sezonowanie - a type of stress relieving, consists of holding a piece in room temperature for a long period of time - months, sometimes years.
Selective annealing - wyżarzanie miejscowe.
Short-cycle annealing - wyżarzanie przyspieszone.
Soft annealing, softening - wyżarzanie zmiękczające.
Spheroidizing annealing - wyżarzanie sferoidyzujące - forms spheroidite or cementite. This type of annealing consists of heating the piece to the Ac1 temperature, holding, cooling slowly to 600°C, then cooling in air.
Stabilizing - odprężanie stabilizujące, stabilizowanie - a type of stress relieving, which consists of heating up to 150°C, holding and cooling. It removes stress caused by casting while ensuring dimensional stability.
Stress relieving, Stress relief annealing - wyżarzanie odprężające - relieves stress caused by either casting, welding, cold working or heat shock. It consists of heating the piece below AAc1temperature, holding and cooling. The exact heating temperature and holding time may vary quite a lot. Stress relief doesn't change the structure much.
Sub-critical annealing - wyżarzanie podkrytyczne.
True annealing - wyżarzanie zupełne; See also: Full annealing.
Under-annealing - wyżarzanie niezupełne.
Vacuum bright annealing - wyżarzanie próżniowe - takes place in a vacuum to prevent oxidation.
White annealing - wyżarzanie bez nalotu, wyżarzanie jasne; See also: Bright annealing.
Whiteheart process - wyżarzanie odwęglające - a type of annealing process done on the white cast iron, producing malleable cast iron with the steely-white fracture, hence the name.
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